
Zuhra is an HR consultancy firm with a unique approach to addressing complex business and human challenges. Bringing decades of expertise and knowledge of working across global organisations that want to re-evaluate where they are now and focus on the journey ahead.

Digital design, WordPress development, Members toolkit

The Scope

The scope was to rebrand the organisations existing website, toolkit and offline communications using a nature theme. The site requirements were to include a full redesign and development of the website, to build a bespoke members/client login area for the Business Restructuring Toolkit, an optional monthly/annual subscription mechanism for client access with multiple levels and a fully integrated payment facility using Stripe.

Branded social media channels (Twitter and LinkedIn) were to be set up with live feeds, blog configured and initial SEO to be implemented.

Visit website

Design and functionality

Using specific nature photography, the overall theme was developed, wireframes were designed for both the website and the Toolkit for the user experience journey. Once complete the site was built in WordPress using a child theme, the login area was set up, subscriptions created and integrated with Stripe.

The result

Zuhra has launched their toolkit into organisations across more than one hundred countries, the site has helped to win business with a number of FTSE100 companies as well as international and public organisations.